In the right place, at
the right time.

With millions of dollars at stake, rail capital planning is a critical part of any railway operation, and the consequences of poor planning can be quite costly. Replacing assets too early fails to benefit from the full life of those assets. On the other hand, replacing assets too late runs the risk of derailment or other incidents.

VisioStack's data architecture provides key context for directing your resources where and when they’re needed most.
Without context, knowing the current state of your assets provides limited information. You might be able to identify the sections of track with the most wear, but it’s equally important to identify the worst trending areas—those that will expire soonest. Juggling other factors, like tonnage, last planned maintenance, rail type, and seasonal conditions, makes planning even more challenging. Attempting to manually project trends or make general estimates of high-risk areas is laborious and time-consuming at best; inaccurate and risky at worst.

VisioStack’s comprehensive data architecture is designed to help you tighten your capital planning process and maximize your resources. With our RailLinks® platform, you can see rail wear data in context, from multiple angles:
Each Rail Profile Card visualizes the current shape of the rail—measuring vertical, lateral, and combined wear—at a particular point along the track.
Each Rail Profile Card visualizes the current shape of the rail—measuring vertical, lateral, and combined wear—at a particular point along the track.
Zooming out, wear data is graphed along the length of the track, with the ability to toggle between measurement dates to see how sections of track change over time.
Zooming out, wear data is graphed along the length of the track, with the ability to toggle between measurement dates to see how sections of track change over time.
The trend line for each section of track visualizes collected measurements over time and predicts an expiration date for that particular section.
The trend line for each section of track visualizes collected measurements over time and predicts an expiration date for that particular section.
Using our powerful Global Search feature, you can then filter these trends for multiple factors like rail type, tonnage, and region, so you can better understand and plan for the needs of your network at any given moment.  For example, you could find all the sections of rail which are trending poorly and meet the following characteristics:

   • over 4% curvature
   • are high tonnage
   • have no maintenances planned

Ultimately, Global Search allows you to compare trends for higher-level insights, like discovering which rail types last the longest, or which regions need maintenance most quickly.
Global Search filtering can bring together the most urgent assets across the whole network, and allow you to spot common attributes.
Global Search filtering can bring together the most urgent assets across the whole network, and allow you to spot common attributes.
With rail maintenance budgets often in the tens or hundreds of millions, small optimizations can make a big difference. VisioStack’s RailLinks® platform gives you the context necessary to maximize the life of your assets and minimize the risk of incidents, letting you plan and execute your budget efficiently and confidently.